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We're Almost There!  

The asphalt portion of our track was approved for use on Friday, March 8, 2019.  Following the completion of the 5th Annual Dolphin Dash, the rubber overlay will be placed on the track and the project will be complete.  Thank you to Carolina Creations for overseeing construction and making this dream a reality for our school!

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Nacho Average Teachers

February 22, 2019


Our teachers work tirelessly day after day to educate, enrich, and encourage our students.  Since we couldn't send them away on a grand holiday, we decided to bring a fiesta to them.  Thank you to everyone who donated food and time to make this teacher appreciation event a success!

Animal Tales Assembly~ February 13, 2019

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Our students were inspired and delighted by the live animal educational assembly, Animal Tales.  The assembly showcased the excitement of reading and exploring the journey of books by featuring several live animals.  Students learned about animal-human relationships, empathy and compassion, natural history, and geography.

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Box Tops Competition~ February 4-15, 2019

Congratulations to our Box Tops Winners!


1st Place- Mrs. Whalen

2nd Place- Mrs. Kirk

3rd Place- Mrs. Ibert


Each of these classrooms received an Amazon gift certificate for turning in the most Box Tops.  Please continue to clip and save- each Box Top earns $0.10 for our school.  They really add up!  We've earned over $1,200 in the 2018-19 school year!

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December 21, 2018


We are incredibly blessed by the generosity of the Southport-Oak Island Kiwanis Club and it's supporters! On December 21, 2018, our student body gathered on the front field to witness a check presentation and golf ball drop sponsored by the Kiwanis.  The $25,000 check provided funds for the rubber coating for our new track and was given in honor of Denny Marcin, a Kiwanis club member who volunteered countless hours at Southport Elementary.

We ðŸ’™ our community!

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December 4-13, 2018

Fall Book Fair

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Today a reader, tomorrow a leader!


Our Fall Book Fair was a HUGE success!  Thank you to everyone who came out and purchased books.  Because of your generosity, we were able to donate over $1,200 in books to the school and classroom libraries.  Our Sales during the 2 week event totaled $10, 918. Thank you Dolphin Nation for supporting the book fair and building a legacy of lifelong readers! 

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November 16, 2018

Despite the havoc Hurricane Florence wreaked on our community, the Dolphin Nation came together on Friday, November 16, 2018, for a time of fun fellowship.  We dressed in our barnyard best, played games, ate delicious food from local restaurants, and danced like it was 1999.  Thank you to all the volunteers who manned games and to Bella Cucina, Chuck’s Homemade Ice Cream, DJ Tim Holland, Dry Street Pizza and Pub, Kai-Joe’s, Pepperoni Grill at the Beach, and Walmart for your generous donations to this fun evening.

Clean-up day

November 4, 2018

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Hurricane Florence came ashore with a vengeance, crippling our community and testing our resolve.  But we showed Florence what the Dolphin Nation is made of.  We rallied together to help our neighbors, to gather supplies and finances to support those most affected by the disastrous path the hurricane wrought.  Hurricane Florence demolished our campus and brought significant damage to our building.  While BCS employees, especially our own Mr. Gene sought to restore order inside our school, over 65 volunteers gathered to repair damage to the school grounds.  We ARE the Dolphin Nation.  Together, we are stronger than any adversary that comes our way.

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Back-to-School Breakfast- August 20, 2018

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Thank you to everyone who donated to our Back-to-School breakfast.  Our teachers are working together to build a brighter future for our students.  Your generosity is helping form a foundation that gets this school year off to a great start!  Thank you!

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Wrap Sale

Thanks to your generosity, we sold over $7,000 in Charleston Wrap.  The $2,500 profits have been reinvested in our school and are supporting additional curriculum, classroom supplies, and instructional support.  Thank you for making this no-pressure sale such a success!

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MARCH 21, 2019


Dolphin Dash Pep Rally



Dolphin Dash Collections

MARCH 29, 2019



K and 1st Grades- 12:30-1:00

2nd and 3rd Grades- 1:30-2:00

4th and 5th Grades- 2:30-3:00

APRIL 19-26 


Spring Break

MAY 1-10, 2019 


Spring Book Fair

MAY 2, 2019 @ 6:00 PM 


PTA General Meeting- Elections

MAY 6-10, 2019 


Teacher Appreciation Week

MAY 27, 2019 


Memorial Day- No School

MAY 30, 2019 


Last Day of School

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